Thanks James for your thoughts. Since we moved from Birmingham 15 years ago there was a void in my families severe weather knowledge. Yes, apps have come a long way in their warning benefit but calling tornadoes down to the street level was really helpful as opposed to a general call to a zip code. I have noticed other meteorologists emulate your style in both Atlanta and Columbus, Ga. They are younger but following your example. Keep up the great work. It’s difficult to suffer fools constantly and they do appear to be everywhere on media. Perhaps it is they who should check their. Itriol at the door and spend a few minutes learning how to think critically and respond respectfully. Best to you and your family.

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Most warning systems especially with the WEA on your phone and if you have a new weather radio do it based off your GPS location or within 1 mile of it. Not just off your zip code

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

Don't let the haters win. Ignore them. it's just e-mails!! Delete all that crap, you don't even need to read it. As for these outlandish theories, HAARP was a government program that was shut down many years ago and no longer exists. Chem trails do not exist. There is no way to "steer" a hurricane over someone. Hurricanes use the winds Nature gives them to go where they are going to go. Continue to post links to federal agencies that deal with weather and emergencies. Ignore the haters. Delete them. Don't even read them. If you don't read them, you can't talk about them. Eventually, those bullies will realize they aren't getting the attention they seek. They will pick on someone their own size. This is how bullies operate. You can defeat them. You are one of the most highly respected meteorologists in the weather community. We, in the weather community, are NOT the haters and bullies. WE, in the weather community, are NOT just Republicans and Democrats. We are AMERICANS!! And that's all!! We just want to know the forecast and watches and warnings, fronts, high and low pressures, high and low temps. Or how high waves are on the high seas. Continue to keep up the good work you do, and I hope you have a good day!!

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Good morning James I'm a long time follower on Twitter and was not aware of this uproar. The political climate in this country it's just crazy. I just want to give my sympathies with this craziness you're going through and my support as one science-based human being to another

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I feel like you ripped the words out my mind and spoke them for me. I can't even say anything else, you nailed it.

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Stay strong James! The sane, reasonable people have to stay vocal to outweigh the craziness. Thank you for all you do.

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James, I can speak for my family who is a mixed bag of political views, and say we respect and love your weather, traffic, and headline reporting and posts. You love all people and truly care. It is felt in all that you do. This world has become extreme, but keep doing what you're doing. The vast majority of your supporters are over here cheering you on with virtual and quiet pats on the back.

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Thank you James. I am so sorry you're having to deal with this. Like yes I believe climate change is a thing, but do I attack people because they don't? No! We shouldn't attack based off of harmless beliefs such as this. I hope people realize where you're coming from and stop. Though if they unfollow you based off of you trying to do something to help you don't want them to follow you anyway. Thank you for your work James and have a great day.

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